Today was such a beautiful, warm, sunny here! I had a pretty chill morning that included a short run, working on some homework, eating the delicious chickpea dish and spinach salad that my senora made for me, and working on plans for when my mom comes to visit (which is only a little over a month from now!). When I was running down the street Reyes Catholicos I ran into an enormous procession or demonstration or whatever you call it in the street. I'm not really sure what it was for, but there were a bunch of people holding signs and waving flags and such. Then in the afternoon my friends and I took a walk over to the Albayzin. We took some photos and just enjoyed the amazing weather.
Ashley and I left a little bit before the other three. We passed a church and when we saw that mass had just started, Ashley asked if I wanted to go with her. She hadn't been to that church before, but figured it would be worth a try. For starters, it was freezing cold in the church. When the priest started talking, we were both a bit shocked that his voice was really, really scratchy and old and sort of scary. We felt bad but ended up sneaking out early because we were freezing and couldn't even make out the words that the priest was saying, his voice was that scratchy. Also, I was wearing yoga pants and an ISU hoodie at mass. Coming in late, sneaking out early, and rockin' the most American outfit that there is was a very bad way of attending my first mass in Spain haha.
I know that this was a short post but I figured that it was worth posting it so that I could post a few pictures as well...
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